San Esteban de Pravia

San Esteban de Pravia is one of 2 parroquias and also a place in the town of Muros de Nalón the autonomous community of Asturias in Spain.


San Esteban de Pravia has 614 inhabitants ( 2011) on an area of 2.31 km ². There is 0 - 113 m above sea level. The Muros de Nalon located 2 km away is the nearest major town and also the administrative center of the municipality.


Located at the mouth of the Rio Nalon old seaport is now used mostly by a few fishing boats and boaters. The last shipyard of San Esteban de Pravia has made ​​a name in the production of pleasure boats and yachts in northern Spain.


  • The restored old harbor with its cafes and bars
  • Historic church in the district Inclan
  • In the harbor there is an old tug at anchor, which you mistakenly nachsagte to come from the same shipyard as the Titanic. This legend is now disproved, but what makes the tractor still a remarkable relic of days.



  • Population figures, see INE
  • Zip see
  • Coordinates and range- height information see Google Earth