San Marcos, Carazo

San Marcos on the map of Nicaragua

San Marcos is a small town in the department of Carazo in Nicaragua.

The city has about 24,000 inhabitants ( 2006 calculation ) and is a partner city of Jena, in the context of the PIA ( Proyecto Integral Agroecológio, Integral Agro Ecological Project ) provides development work, as well as of Biel / Bienne. The vast majority of the population earns his living as a small farmer.


San Marcos is located on the tourist circuit racing, the Managua on the Pueblos Blancos ( White Villages ) leads back to the capital. During the tour of the capital city tourism contributes preferably on the weekends to revitalize the village, do this the students of the small university Ave Maria during the week. The tourist structure with the Casablanca Hotel and Café Casona remains clear.


  • Anastasio Somoza García ( speedometer ) ( 1896-1956 ), military, president of Nicaragua ( 1936-56 )


  • Jena, Germany
  • Biel / Bienne, Switzerland


  • German Embassy in Managua - Town twinning
  • Location in Nicaragua
  • Department of Carazo