Santa Rosa de Lima (Santa Catarina)

Santa Rosa de Lima is a municipality (Portuguese município ) in the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina. The community is located at 49 ° 07'40 "west longitude and 28 ° 02'21 " south latitude. It is named after Saint Rose of Lima.

It is in an area of ​​184.68 km2 - measured in terms of population - with 2064 ( 2004), the smallest municipality of Brazil.

As more than 90 % of the inhabitants are German Brazilians find next Portuguese especially in the elderly population German as their language use. This is, among other things expressed that every two years in May held community festival is named vegetable feast.

In Santa Rosa de Lima, there are efforts to develop organic farming.

- 28.039166666667 - 49.127777777778Koordinaten: 28 ° 2 ' S, 49 ° 8' W

  • Place in Santa Catarina
  • Brazilian- German relations