Santa Rosa de Tastil

- 24.452222222222 - 65.955277777778Koordinaten: 24 ° 27 ' 8 " S, 65 ° 57' 19 " W

Santa Rosa de Tastil is a settlement in the department of Rosario de Lerma, Salta Province, Argentina.


Santa Rosa de Tastil located in the Quebrada de las Cuevas at an altitude of about 3200 meters above sea level.

The now almost deserted settlement at the Ruta Nacional 51 (Argentina ) is a stop for tour providers on the way to San Antonio de los Cobres. The city of Campo Quijano in the Valle de Lerma is around 75 kilometers away. Until San Antonio de los Cobres there are another 55 kilometers.

The tren a las nubes here runs in a neighboring valley of the Quebrada de Toro.


The place is a supply center for the surrounding communities. There is a primary school, a health center, a post office, a police station and a church.

The population consists largely of mestizo or indigenous people.

Feast day for St. Rose of Lima on August 30 of each year attracts visitors from a wide area. The Catholic rites are interspersed with elements of the cult of Pachamama.

Ruins of Tastil

The pre-Columbian ruins of Tastil located a few kilometers west of the modern village on a north slope of the Valle de las Cuevas.

The excavations include 12 hectares of vegetation in a poor area. The function of the used in the 14th and 15th century settlement that could accommodate several thousand people is controversial. The expanding on a mountain ridge in east-west direction, usually round building of layered rocks show up in a good state of preservation. Significantly residential buildings can be distinguished from public buildings such as grain mills and places of worship. It is believed that the settlement at the time of arrival of the Spaniards in what is now northwestern Argentina was already uninhabited.

Some of the less important finds is a museum in Santa Rosa de Tastil, more finds are exhibited in Salta and La Plata.

The ruins was declared in December 1997 to Monumento Histórico Nacional.
