Santi Angeli Custodi a Città Giardino

41.93558055555612.535852777778Koordinaten: 41 ° 56 '8 " N, 12 ° 32' 9" E

The church of Santi Angeli Custodi a Città Giardino (Latin: Sanctorum Angelorum Custodum in regione vulgo " Città Giardino " ) is located in Piazza Sempione in Rome. The church was built between 1922-1926 by order of Pope Benedict XV. built. It was designed by Gustafo Giovannoni, who opted for a neo-classical style. The altar is modeled on the altar of Guercino Michael the Archangel. The frescoes and the painting The Birth of the Savior submitted by Aronne Del Vecchio.

Santi Angeli Custodi a Città Giardino was established in 1965 by Pope Paul VI. elevated to the title diakonia.

Previous Cardinal Deacon of Santi Angeli Custodi a Città Giardino:
