São Paulo Metro

Metrô São Paulo is the underground network of the Brazilian city of São Paulo. It was opened in 1974 and currently consists of five lines, and more are under construction. The system has a total length of 74.3 km and has 64 stations.


Line 1 was first in operation. On September 14, 1974, the southern portion of Jabaquara was opened to Vila Mariana, in 1975, the central portion followed to Santana. In 1998 the line was extended north to Tucuruvi.

Line 2 was put into operation in 1991 between the stations Paraiso and Consolação. In 1992, the station Ana Rosa and Clinicas were added. In 1998 it was expanded to Vila Madalena, in April 2006 was followed by the short distance to Imigrantes. Then it went on to Tamanduateí and Vila Prudente. There are plans to continue the line, to Penha, there to create an interchange with Line 3. According to Urban Rail 2012 is from Vila Prudente in an easterly direction a large monorail under construction. The elongation at Penha is no longer shown as planning.

Line 3 was opened in 1979 with a first section between Sé and Brás. By the end of 1988, the expansion was followed up to the present end stations and Barra Funda Itaquera - Corinthians. The line is considered complete.

On line 4 is built since the end of 2004; It was consecrated on May 25, 2010. First were the only stations Paulista and Faria Limaim operation and only from Monday to Friday 8:00 bis 15:00 clock. Meanwhile, the six stations Luz, República, Paulista, Faria Lima, Pinheiros and Butantã in operation. The remaining five, Higienópolis, Oscar Freire, Fradique Coutinho, Morumbi and Vila Sônia should be completed by 2012. This line is under the administration of the private company ViaQuatro.

Line 5 was taken as youngest in the year 2002. It is not connected to this day the rest of the network, since the construction was begun on the outskirts. It is intended to connect them with line 1 at station Santa Cruz and line 2 on Chácara Klabin Station.

The underground network is connected at many points with the network of CPTM, which is operated as a commuter train. In the south, the bus network of EMTU connects. These buses operate in part as a trolley bus on their own bus lanes. Line 9 ( Osasco - Grajaú ) of CPTM is regarded as one running on the surface subway line.

Future construction projects

Under construction lines

Being planned lines
