Sapphire-rumped Parrotlet

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The Purple Parrot tail ( Touit purpuratus, Syn: Touit purpurata ) is only 17 centimeters large wading bird of the family of parrots authentics.


The birds have a predominantly green plumage. The lateral feathers of the straight tail are purple - red with black and green in the males with the females peaks. The dark brown shoulder and shield springs form with folded wings a V-shaped band, the under wing-coverts are green. The two subspecies are distinguished by the color of the upper head and back of the head ( occiput ): In the nominate these olive - brown, tinged with Touit purpuratus viridiceps green. He is the only stained tail parrot with blue rump.

The beak is light gray and the feet are black.


The purple tail parrot inhabits the forest-savanna and forest edges of southern Colombia to the Amazon. He comes up before at altitudes of 1,200 meters.

Way of life

In small groups, these sociable birds roam in search of food and water through the treetops. They feed on seeds, fruits, such as mangoes, and young plant shoots. Also on plantations they are often encountered.


As nests for the birds natural tree cavities or nests of tree termites, in which chop the birds with their strong beak holes. In it, the female lays three to five eggs, which then hatches 25 days alone. After hatching, both parents feed the young, which fledge after eight weeks.


It will distinguish two subtypes based on their plumage color:

  • Touit purpuratus purpuratus ( Gmelin, JF, 1788) The nominate comes from the southern Venezuela over Guinea in front to the north of Brazil.
  • Touit purpuratus viridiceps Chapman, 1929 This subspecies is present from the southeast of Colombia on the southern Venezuela to north- western Brazil. In addition, they are found in eastern Ecuador and northeastern Peru

Threats and conservation measures

Although exact population figures of this kind are present, the IUCN classifies this type due to their widespread use as Near Threatened (Least Concern ) a.


  • Jiri Felix: Animals America in color. Translated into German by Jaroslav Konšal. Karl Müller Verlag, Erlangen, 1989, OCLC 247 676 131, p 123
  • Encyclopedia of the animal world birds. Orbis Verlag, Hamburg 2003, ISBN 3-572-01378- X, page 119