
SASEs was an Indo - Parthian king who ruled around 85 AD.

SASEs is known only from a few coins that were minted in Seistan, Taxila and Kandahar. His coins are similar to those of Gondophares, was suspected that that SASEs this at least followed in Seistan. In Taxila he was against probably the successor of Abdagases I. SASEs describes itself as Gondophares, so what is beworden a ruler title. SASEs has been well beaten by a Kuschanherrscher ( Vima Takto or Kujula Kadphises ).


  • Christine Fröhlich: INDO - PARTHIAN DYNASTY. In: Ehsan Yarshater (ed.): Encyclopædia Iranica (English, including literature references )
  • Coin of the SASEs
  • Indo- Parthian king
  • Born in the 1st century
  • Died in the 1st century
  • Man