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Sastavci is a village in Bosnia - Herzegovina. It is located in the Bosnian republic of Republika Srpska in the municipality of Rudo in the region of Foca. It has an area of ​​395.84 hectares and is surrounded by the municipality of Priboj in Okrug Zlatibor entirely of Serbian territory. Sastavci is a Bosnian enclave and an enclave in Serbia.

In 1999 there were 75 households in Sastavci with a population of 270 inhabitants, of which 25 households with 135 residents were Bosniaks. Although 70 percent of the residents had Serbian citizenship, nevertheless declared the half of the population to be Bosnian origin.

The infrastructure in the enclave Sastavci is connected with the Serbian community Priboj. Electrical power is supplied from Serbia, Post and healthcare is also responsible for Serbia. There is also a primary school was built, which was funded by Serbia and maintained. Most students continue their schooling in the Serbian Priboj. The majority of the population also operates in Priboj, but the exclave Sastavci in the land register of the municipality Rudo (Bosnia ) are enrolled; thus pay the inhabitants of Sastavci their property taxes in Bosnia.


From the historical emergence of these Bosnian enclave on the territory of Serbia, little is known, but it is believed that it dates back to the Congress of Berlin in 1878, when the administration of Bosnia passed from the Ottoman Empire to Austria - Hungary. Because of that ownership of the Enclave of Sastavci arose. The Muslims from the areas of Bosnia fled at that time in the region Sanjak of Novi Pazar.

The Serbian government proposed Bosnia ago to join the enclave Sastavci in exchange for a different area of the same size with Serbia. This offer was rejected by the Bosnian side, which in turn called for the connection of the enclave with the mother country by a strip corridor. So far there has not been a change in the boundary; the enclave still exists.

  • Place in the Republika Srpska
  • Exclave
  • Enclave
  • Rudo