Satellite glial cell

As sheath cells, satellite cells, or Amphizyten a class of glial cells of the peripheral nervous system is known. They limit peripheral neurons in ganglia, mainly in dorsal root ganglia. They encase the cell bodies of neurons as single- flat position and serve their metabolism.

The counterpart of the sheath cells in the central nervous system are the astrocytes.

Also as a sheath cells are referred to in the cortex of the lymph node B- lymphocytes.


  • Luiz Carlos U. Junqueira, Jose Carneiro, Manfred Gratzl: histology. 6 newly translated, revised and updated edition. Springer, Heidelberg 2005, ISBN 3-540-21965- X.
  • Natalie Garzorz: BASICS neuroanatomy. Elsevier Urban & Fischer, Munich, etc. 2009, ISBN 978-3-437-42456-4.