Satsuma District, Kagoshima

Satsuma (Japanese萨摩 郡, -gun ) is the name of a Japanese district in Kagoshima Prefecture on the southernmost of Japan's main islands, Kyushu.

Since 2004, various restructuring measures will be taken in Kagoshima Prefecture. In October 2004, in this context, some of the villages of the district of the new city Satsumasendai Satsuma, the town located in the district of the same name Satsuma places Miyanojo and Tsuruda struck in March 2005. The management unit satsumas as a county ( gun) seems no longer provided after the end of the restructuring, this is not yet complete.

Independent cities ( shi): Aira | Akune | Amami | Hioki | Kagoshima | Ichiki - Kushikino | Isa | Izumi | Kanoya | Kagoshima ( administrative seat ) | Kirishima | Makurazaki | Minamikyushu | Minamisatsuma | Nishinoomote | Satsumasendai | Shibushi | Soo | Tarumizu

Aira -gun Yusui | Izumi -gun Nagashima | Kagoshima -gun Mishima | Toshima | Kimotsuki -gun Higashikushira | Kimotsuki | Kinko | Minamiosumi | Kumage -gun Minamitane | Nakatane | Yakushima | Oshima -gun Amagi | China | Isen | Kikai | Setouchi | Tatsugo | Tokunoshima | Uken | Wadomari | Yamato | Yoron | Satsuma -gun Satsuma | Soo -gun Ōsaki

  • Kagoshima Prefecture
  • District in Japan