SAVE Foundation

The SAVE Foundation (Safeguard for Agricultural biodiversity in Europe, Eng. Safeguard for Agricultural Varieties in Europe) is a European umbrella organization founded in 1993 to protect agricultural biodiversity in Europe.

  • 6.1 Regional organizations
  • 6.2 Local organizations

Objectives and tasks

SAVE Foundation acts as a European umbrella organization for safeguarding agricultural biodiversity ( agrobiodiversity ). The efforts are in particular the live conservation of endangered livestock breeds and crop varieties.

Information, coordination and promotion of national activities are the main tasks. In different countries there are national organizations build yet. Other tasks also were raised in Eastern and Southeastern Europe, where agriculture is undergoing a radical restructuring. Conservation projects are implemented mainly in situ or on-farm.

SAVE Monitoring Institute for Rare Breeds and Seeds in Europe

As an academic department of the SAVE Foundation serves the SAVE Monitoring Institute for Rare Breeds and Seeds in Europe. It procures scientific basis data for backup and long-term conservation of genetic resources in agriculture in Europe, including rescue and conservation projects in Eastern and Southeastern Europe.

European networks and databases

Arca -Net

An online database as a network and tourist guide to public institutions in Europe, showing endangered species of farm animals and crops.

Fruit -Net

Online Database for Neglected and forgotten fruits and berries: online inventory of the remaining varieties including synonym registers and links to sustaining organizations.


A 2007 to 2010 by the EU Commission under GENRES 870/2004 co-funded European Ark and Rescue Network (European Livestock Breeds Ark and Rescue Net) with the aim of endangered farm animal breeds and plant varieties with respect to threats quickly and efficiently in Ark or to bring rescue stations in safety. ELBARN consists of an online database of the Ark and Rescue Centres (which are public) and publications such as the ELBARN book.

European Agrobiodiversity Network

The website provides contacts with the individual country organizations and networks the various activities in Europe. There are national, regional and European networks listed, are committed to the conservation of agro-biodiversity.


  • Workshop Report " Rare Breeds and Plant Varieties in the Carpathian mountains ."
  • Risorse genetiche agrarie in Italia: rischio di estinzione - iniziative per la conservazione - necessità di intervento. ISBN 3-907866-70-3.
  • Study " Agricultural Genetic Resources of the Alps ". ISBN 3-258-06669-8.
  • ELBARN book. Final publication of the ELBARN project that explains the project and the backgrounds.
  • CD -ROM Historical Inventory of Swiss cultivated.

European Day of agrobiodiversity

The EAD is an instrument for public relations to the general understanding of the importance of agricultural biodiversity. By information of the SAVE Foundation coordinated actions of the national organizations of the SAVE network are carried out in the respective countries. The EAD is always on 29 September, the St. Michael's day. This day will be increasingly used by other organizations outside of the SAVE Network.

SAVE Network Partners

Regional organizations

  • Danube: DAGENE

Local organizations

  • Albania: ALBA GENE
  • Belgium: Steunpunt Levend Erfgoed
  • Bulgaria: Semperviva Society
  • Germany: Society for the Conservation of the Dark Bee eV, Society for the Conservation of Old and Endangered Livestock Breeds, Association for the Preservation of crop diversity, Association for the preservation and reclamation of crops in Brandenburg
  • Greece: Aegilops, Amaltheia
  • Ireland: Irish Seed Savers Association
  • Italy: Associazione R.A.R.E. ( Razze autochtonous a Rischio di estinzione )
  • Netherlands: Stichting de Oerakker, Stichting Zeldzame Huisdierrassen
  • Austria: Austria 's Ark
  • Poland: Carpathian Heritage Society (Carpathian Heritage)
  • Switzerland: Pro Specie Rara
  • Serbia: Natura Balkanika Nature Society
  • Slovakia Agro gene pool
  • Czech Republic: GenoClub
  • Ukraine: SATRANS