
Scapania nemorea

The Scapaniaceae are a moss family from the class of Jungermanniopsida.


The representatives of the family have kielig folded edge leaves. They are usually divided into different depths of unequal size, ganzrandige to dentate lobes in two. The lower lobes are always greater than the upper lobe. Under sheets are not formed. The perianth stands out from the bracts. Propagules are common.


The Scapaniaceae family includes two subfamilies with three genera and 120 species:

  • Subfamily Diplophylloideae Diplophyllum with nearly 30 species
  • Douinia with a kind Douinia ovata
  • Scapania with about 90 species


  • Jan -Peter Frahm: biology of mosses. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg and Berlin, 2001, p 56 ISBN 3-8274-0164- X
  • Jan- Peter Frahm, Wolfgang Frey, J. Döring: Moss flora. 4th Edition, UTB of Science, Ulm, Stuttgart 2004, p 106 ISBN 3-8252-1250-5