
Scapteromys is a living in South America rodent genus of the group of the New world. It includes two types.

These rodents are relatively large representative of the New world and remind rats. They reach a body length 15-20 cm and a tail length of 13-17 centimeters. The weight is 110 to 200 grams. Their fur is dyed black gray at the top, the bottom is light gray.

The animals of this genus live in the south-eastern Brazil, Uruguay, southern Paraguay and northeastern Argentina. Their habitat is wetlands and other habitats located near water.

To perform a semi aquatic lifestyle, which means they stay temporarily in the water and can swim well. They are mainly crepuscular and nocturnal and spend the day in nests that they invest in small soil pits. Their diet consists mainly of insects, in addition they also take other invertebrates and plant material to itself.

There are two types, Scpateromys aquaticus and Scapteromys Tumidus. Both species are similar in appearance greatly and are often combined together to form. However, they differ in the number of chromosomes, which justifies a separation.
