Scarce Large Blue

Heller burnet - Large Blues ( Phengaris teleius )

The Bright burnet Ant Blue ( Phengaris teleius, syn. Teleius ) is a butterfly ( butterfly ) of the family Lycaenidae ( Lycaenidae ). The species is also known as the Great Moorbläuling and is one of the myrmekophilen species.

  • 6.1 Notes and references


The wing tops are silvery light blue and have a delicate row of black dots. The dirty brown outer wing edges are provided with a white border drawing. The wing bases are much brighter than Phengaris nausithous and characterized by two rows of black dots. The inner row of points is marked with black and white framed, while the exterior is small and indistinct. On the hind wing underside there is a small blue Basalbestäubung.

Similar Species

  • Gentian - Large Blues ( Phengaris alcon )
  • Cross Gentian Large Blues ( Phengaris rebeli )
  • Thyme - Large Blues ( Phengaris arion )
  • Dark burnet - Large Blues ( Phengaris nausithous )

Geographical distribution and habitat

The species is very rare and occurs only locally ago in France (Gers, Gironde, Dordogne, Charente, Isere, Savoie, Haut-Rhin), northern Switzerland, northern Italy (Piedmont, Trieste ), Southern Germany, Central Germany ( south of Leipzig ), Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, southern Poland, Spain ( Aran Valley ).

The Bright burnet Ant Bluebird inhabited blooming marshy areas and wet meadows source in valleys and on mountain slopes and along streams and ditches. The occurrence of the species is dependent on the presence of the Great Meadow knob ( Sanguisorba officinalis). An important role for the stock size of Bläulings and its host ant plays the presence of Saumstandorten that are either not at all or only irregularly managed.

Way of life

The development takes one to two years. The moths fly from mid-June to mid-August. You have a narrow nectar plant spectrum. The most important nectar plant of the butterfly is the great burnet. Also flower visits were ( Lythrum sp. ) On blood pasture plantains observed healing Betony ( Stachys officinalis), Small (Prunella vulgaris) and bird vetch (Vicia cracca ). The female lays the eggs one at a not yet flowering head of the Great burnet. The young purple colored caterpillars feed initially in the flowers and their food plants in the fall, after the third and final moult in ant nests of dry grass - red ant ( Myrmica scabrinodis ) worn. They live there predatory ants nesting. Approximately 98 % of the biomass of the doll (and the subsequent moth ) comes as the resources of the ant people. It has been estimated that in the predatory Phengaris species ( P. teleius, P. arion and P. nausitous ) about 350 workers are indirectly needed to feed a Phengaris larva. This number is needed in order to procure food for the ant brood, which is eaten by the Phengaris larvae. The myrmecophile behavior of Phengaris species is called social parasitism. Pupation takes place in late spring of the following year or in the first year remained small caterpillars until the spring of the following year.


Two of the three Central European Phengaris species that are predators of ant brood was known to be parasitized by ichneumon flies ( Ichneumonidae ). In Phengaris nausithous it's the kind neotype pusillus Gregor, 1940 and at Phengaris arion a specifically non specific type of neotype. Only recently also proof that even the Bright burnet - Large Blues is parasitized by a neotype species, probably of neotype melanocephalus ( Gmelin, 1790).

Threats and conservation

Due to the very local occurrence is limited by the presence of the caterpillar food plant of the Light burnet - Large Blues is in great danger.

  • IUCN: endangered ( vulnerable )
  • Red List BRD: 3
  • Red List of Baden- Württemberg: 2
  • Red List axes: 1

The Bright burnet - Large Blues is like the Dark burnet Blue in Annex II and IV of the Habitats Directive listed and therefore strictly protected.

