
51.83792208166711.361647131Koordinaten: 51 ° 50 ' 17 "N, 11 ° 21 ' 42" O

Location of Schadeleben in Zealand (Saxony- Anhalt)

Too bad life is a district of the city Zealand in Saxony -Anhalt. The village lies on the German Avenues about 16 kilometers northwest of the town of Aschersleben.


The place name is derived from the people Scadenleve name Skado. The place name ending- life is a common Germanic word meaning " remnant, legacy, heritage, surrendered for " based. It is the legacy of the Skado. The place was first mentioned in 1223 in a document of Burchard of Mansfeld.

In the Middle Ages it was fishing village on the northern edge of a vast swamp in the Urstromniederungen that about 20 kilometers from Aschersleben extended to Gatersleben at Quedlinburg.

As significantly smaller but similar in approach to project as the draining of the Or break occurred in the second half of the 18th century under Frederick II an extensive reclamation plant by a grave Systems ( Introduction to the Selke at Gatersleben ). The entire water landscape and disappeared from the fishing village was an ordinary agricultural community. In this context, we also saw the founding of the neighboring communities Friedrichsaue and Königsaue.

Today is yet to see the old " main ditch " on the southern outskirts. In his last created form but this was in the 20th century, the dewatering of the open pit mines of the area. The largest open pit ranged between Schadeleben and Nachterstedt ( with 70 meters of one of the deepest in Germany ) and threatened at the turn 1989/90 the municipality directly. Seen today Schadeleben owes its existence to the reunion, even if the consequence that the majority of jobs have been lost in mining and agriculture.

Since 2003, the forming in the old mining is Concordiasee (2006 about 4 km ²) public bathing and sailing or surfing sports. In spring 2005, even a regular operation of the passenger ship " Sealand pearl" with one-hour tours began. As a result of the devastating landslide in the neighboring municipality Nachterstedt, had the " Seeland pearl" set the Fuhrbetrieb from 18 July 2009. The ship was sold a year later by the City Council of the City of Zealand and transported to Nienburg / Weser country on 21 September 2010.

On 15 July 2009 Schadeleben was incorporated into the new municipality of Zeeland. The last mayor was serious Sentner.


  • Fritz Annecke (1818-1872), Forty - revolutionary, born in Dortmund, but with pity Haderslev ancestors (see bibliography ) and its also after 1849 who emigrated to the USA brothers Emil and Carl Annecke Annecke


The breakpoint Schadeleben place was on the railway line Aschersleben - Nienhagen. This route is shut down.
