
Scherffelia is a genus of unicellular green algae from the class of Chlorophyceae. Some representatives grow on snow.


The representatives are unicellular algae with four flagella. The cells are flattened in side view they appear oval - elliptical. They are surrounded by a thin theca, which is a cell wall made of fused scales. The flagella sit in an apical flagellum pit. Each cell has two chloroplasts without pyrenoids. Each chloroplast is divided into the front half into two lobes on. One of the four lobes wearing an eye patch. Near the scourge pit there are two contractile vacuoles.

Asexual reproduction occurs by the mother cell throws off the flagella and the cell within the theca into two or four zoospores part. These form from each for his or her own theca and four flagella. After the theca of the mother cell ruptures and the zoospores are released. Sexual reproduction is unknown.


Scherffelia occurs in salt, brackish and fresh water. It forms the plankton of lakes and cool shady ponds.


The genus comprises Scherffelia by AlgaeBase 8 recognized species.


  • K.-H. Linne von Berg, K. Hoef -Emden, B. Marin, M. Melkonian: The Cosmos algae leader. The main freshwater algae under the microscope. Kosmos, Stuttgart 2004, p 64, ISBN 3-440-09719-6