Schlierseer Bauerntheater

The Schliersee Bauerntheater was the first Bavarian folk theater.


Founded as the theater group in 1892 in Schliersee from Konrad Dreher and Xaver Terofal. According to the plans of the Munich architect Emanuel von Seidl a theater building was constructed in the same year, which featured more than 450 visitors. The few years previously opened railway line made ​​it possible for guests to easily to travel from Munich to Schliersee and visit there in a rural environment, the performance of folk plays.


In contrast to former practice, but also occupy folk plays in dialect with academically trained actors who Schliersee stage went another way: It should be the "real life " are vividly presented by a cast circle of artisans and peasants. Nevertheless, the ensemble worked full-time work for the theater. In the summer season at the headquarters in Schliersee and the winter guest performances in Germany, Austria and overseas.

Guest appearances and travel

In addition to numerous guest appearances in Munich, Frankfurt, Nuremberg, Hamburg, Stuttgart and Vienna, the troops entered in 1895 at a large American tour. Remarkable are especially the performances at the Metropolitan Opera in New York.

KDF and front stage

The peasant drama and the way of life shown therein fit well into the idea of the Nazi rulers from 1933. As part of the " Strength through Joy " Travel to Schliersee and visits to the theater builders were offered. An even stronger political instrumentalization learned the troops when used as a " front stage" in the years 1939-1944. Here German troops in France, Russia, Greece and Poland were visited and popular folk plays with notions entertained.

New beginnings after the Second World War

After the end of World War II, the troops had to contend with major economic problems. A fire in the main building also made ​​a break of two years required. The ensemble was not returned to its former size and was able to build with neither the quality of the pieces even with the acting performance of earlier times, but what little changed on the popularity of the Schliersee Bauer theater of today.
