School leaving qualification

The High School Diploma is the completion of secondary education schools in the United States. It is obtained after twelve years of schooling, with the last four years are crucial in high school. The testimony is the only degree in the U.S. school system and not to be confused with the academic degree diploma. ...


Despite the many differences in the various districts of the degree in the entire United States is recognized. But he does not automatically qualified for higher education Represents the related mainly to the fact that all ability groups make the same conclusion, and hence to make depending on the courses attended no general performance statement. This problem is in the United States by the requirement of " transcript " with difficulty levels and grades ( Grade Point Average, GPA ) of the individual subjects studied, as well as by placement tests such as the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT ) or the American College Test (ACT ) solved. Furthermore, it is possible to store a GED test ( General Educational Development ), of the High School Diploma does not match, but is regarded as proof of a certain general education.

High School Diploma in Germany

A U.S. High School Diploma is basically as GCSE ( secondary school certificate ) or recognized in Germany in combination with a correspondingly high earnings in the SAT or ACT, as Abitur ( higher education entrance qualification ). For certain combinations of subjects it is also recognized as the quality of the technical college in Germany. When certification of the general or subject-specific higher are significantly the choice of at least two foreign languages ​​as well as instruction in scientific / mathematical and musically / cultural subjects, so-called study-related subjects, decisive.

  • Education in the United States
  • Degree or certificate