
Schwantesia triebneri in the Botanical Garden of Kiel

Schwantesia is a plant genus of the family of Mesembryanthemum plants ( Aizoaceae ). The botanical name of the genus honors the German professor of Prehistory and Early History and botanist Gustav Schwantes.


The succulent plants of the genus Schwantesia grow compact with numerous branches, each of which bears a tuft of leaves. The gray to bluish green, triangular leaves are just beginning symmetrically shaped. They are usually wider than thick, and serrated edges possess. Your leaf surface often feels tomentose.

The flowers are solitary on short stalks and are apparently hochblattlos. There are five sepals present. The petals are bright yellow at the base and often white. Filamentous staminodes are absent. The stamens form a central pillar. The coronary nectaries form a ring. The fünffächrigen capsule fruits contain more or less pear-shaped seeds, which are 0.65 to 0.9 mm long and 0.45 to 0.6 millimeters wide.

Systematics and distribution

The distribution of the genus Schwantesia extends from extreme south of Namibia to the north of South Africa's Northern Cape Province in Pofadder. The plants grow in crevices of quartzite rocks and rarely in shale. The annual rainfall is below 100 mm and falls mainly in March.

The first description was in 1927 by Kurt Dinter. The type species is Schwantesia ruedebuschii.

After Heidrun Hartmann ( b. 1942 ), the genus Schwantesia includes the following types:

  • Schwantesia acutipetala L.Bolus
  • Schwantesia borcherdsii L.Bolus
  • Schwantesia constanceae N.Zimm.
  • Schwantesia herrei L.Bolus
  • Schwantesia loeschiana Phonetic
  • Schwantesia marlothii L.Bolus
  • Schwantesia pillansii L.Bolus
  • Schwantesia ruedebuschii Dinter
  • Schwantesia speciosa L.Bolus
  • Schwantesia succumbens ( Dinter ) Dinter
  • Schwantesia triebneri L.Bolus

