Science Fantasy

Science Fantasy is a genre of literature, but also occurs in movies and games. It combines science fiction and fantasy, two popular genres.


Some excellent science-fantasy stories have been published in magazines, for example, Robert A. Heinlein's Magic, Inc., Fletcher Pratt and Lyon Sprague de Camp developed the Harold Shea series. All of these were relatively rationalistic stories that were published in John W. Campbell's Unknown Magazine. Henry Kuttner and CL Moore published novels in Startling Stories, alone and together, which are also regarded as very well and are much more romantic. The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction published among other works all. Except the final result of surgery series by Poul Anderson These stories recorded from the mid - fifties the mid- life of a werewolf named Steve Matuchek, who is married to a witch named Virginia.

The Martians stories of Leigh Brackett could be regarded as science fantasy, as well as the Virconium novels by M. John Harrison, or Gene Wolfe's Book of the New Sun. Many works of Edgar Rice Burroughs, especially his Barsoom novels, clearly fall into this category.

Perhaps the best known example of science fantasy is Star Wars.

  • Science fiction literature
  • Fantasy literature