Scorzonera humilis

Low salsify ( Scorzonera humilis )

The Low salsify ( Scorzonera humilis ) is a very scattered to rarely occurring in Central Europe, a member of the sunflower family ( Asteraceae).


The perennial herbaceous plant reaches heights of growth between 10 and 40 cm. It has a black, sometimes multi-headed root.

The first woolly, later bare, simple or wenigästige stem is more or less laubblattlos (or only once or trifoliate ) and has at basically no fiber mop. The basal leaves are mostly broadly lanceolate, grass green and entire. You are in a time of approximately one stalk pulled together ( similar to those of Spitz - plantain ( Plantago lanceolata) ). In youth they are hairy woolly, later they verkahlen then.

The ray florets are yellow, very rarely whitish- yellow, twice as long as the shell and have blunt, usually hautrandige, on the bottom - felted woolly bracts. Even the cups stems are hairy woolly - tomentose usually.

The pappus of the fruit is significantly longer than the fruit itself, whose ribs are smooth.

The Low Salsify flowers mainly in the months of May and June.

Distribution and habitat requirements

Scorzonera humilis comes from northern France over Scandinavia prior to southern Europe. East penetrates the style to Russia and the Caucasus. In Germany, the Low salsify applies after BArtSchV as an endangered species and is found scattered to rare. Only in Bavaria it comes territory as more common. In Austria S. humilis is also considered endangered, territory and sometimes even classified as endangered scattered to find. In Switzerland, the species is rare, especially in the eastern regions.

The Low Black root grows in broom - sand heaths, meadows and moors in spring swamps. She prefers more or less wet, nutrient-poor, lime-free, acidic, sandy or peaty soils.
