Scoutisme Français

The Fédération du Scoutisme Français ( French Federation of Scouting, usually shortened to Scoutisme Français, SF ) is an umbrella organization of French Scout associations with more than 80,000 members, of which five affiliated organizations in the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts and the World Organization of the Scout Movement represents.

Member organizations

The five member organization are each aligned religious, usually take but also members of other religions:

  • Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs de France ( EEDF ), secular
  • Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs israélites de France ( EEIF ), Jewish
  • Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs Unionistes de France ( EEUdF ), Protestant
  • Scouts et Guides de France ( SGDF ), Roman Catholic
  • Musulmans Scouts de France ( SMF), Muslim

The Fédération du Scoutisme Français represents next to the scout groups in the French overseas territories at the international level, organized partly for historical reasons, different.


The first scout groups originated in France 1910. Until 1923, according to a separate religions and gender structure of seven organizations that were merged in the Bureau Inter- Fédéral for the boys and the Comité de Liaison for the girls developed. The Bureau for Inter- Fédérale belonging associations were in 1922 among the founding members of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, the Comité de Liaison counted in 1928 one of the founders of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.

Under the influence of the French defeat in the western campaign, the two umbrella organizations closed in September 1940 along the Fédération du Français Scoutisme. This initially worked together with the Vichy regime, which saw a pillar of his youth working in the Scout Movement. After the banning of the Jewish Federation, the Fédération du Scoutisme Français spent 1942/43, the Free French movement led by Charles de Gaulle, numerous older Scouts joined the Résistance. After the end of World War II the governing body was then in 1947 to host the 6th World Scout Jamboree at Moisson, which was also known as Peace Jamboree.

From the early 1960s, content and programs was in all member associations revised parallel co-education was introduced in all organizations - first in 1964 at the secular groups, most recently in 2004 at the Catholic. 1992 arose from the work of the Catholic Boy Scouts of Migrants of the Association Musulmans Scouts de France, the first Muslim Scout Association in Europe.

The educational reforms since 1960 resulted in almost all associations also to strong conflicts. The representatives of the traditional forms of work left in several waves, the modernized associations and established their own organizations mentioned here are mainly the Association des Guides et Scouts d'Europe, the scouts unit aires de France (both Roman Catholic), the Eclaireurs neutres de France and the Fédération des Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs (both non- religious). In addition to these nationally active organizations emerged numerous other local perspective.
