Seat of Wisdom

Sedes sapientiae ( " Seat of Wisdom " ) is a derived from the Litany of Loreto term (the basic meaning of Sophia in Greek " wisdom of God "). In allusion to the Old Testament throne of Solomon the seated Mary is referred to by the boy Jesus (as embodied wisdom ) on the lap of her as Sedes Sapientiae. It is a motif often used especially in the Romanesque style. It is also used as a motif on seals of founded in the Middle Ages universities, such as on the seal of the University of Leuven. The older seal of urban Universitas Studii Coloniensis (1388-1798), the old University of Cologne, Cologne, the city's patron can not worship in the barn, but before the enthroned Virgin with the infant Jesus as the symbol of the ( academic ) wisdom.

In contrast, the Madonna enthroned ( Maestà ) is less frequently describes a " private" with his entourage, the intimate breastfeeding Maria lactans (also called " Seliger lap " )

Unknown master: Virgen de Marcuello, Spain 13th century, Sarsamarcuello?

Seal of the Université catholique de Louvain with Founded in 1425

  • Golden Madonna
  • Imad Madonna
  • Marie portrait