Security engineering

The field of study safety engineering is concerned with the risks of modern industrial society, where man and his environment are exposed. It focuses particularly on those risks that are associated with the use of technology, the operation of industrial facilities and the handling of substances ( safety technology).


Immediate safety technology lays claim to make technical products so that no hazards are present.

If this is not possible, an attempt is made by indirect safety technology to reduce the hazards of the technical equipment hazards through the use of safety resources. For use are protective devices.

If direct and indirect safety measures only lead to incomplete protection, warns the ostensive safety technology with warnings and signs of the dangers.


The job description of a security technician is defined in the Work Safety Law of the Federal Republic of Germany. In this case, the security technician ( technician training with additional qualification specialist for occupational safety, so-called FASI ), distinguished the security master ( master training with additional qualification FASI ) and the safety engineer ( engineer with the additional training FASI ).

In addition to working as a safety engineer in a factory located outlets for graduates in engineering ( industrial safety, fire protection, environmental safety), at the professional associations and government regulatory agencies, in insurance, in the fire service found, etc.


The study of security technology has been available since 1975 at the University of Wuppertal, Department D, security technology department. At present, there is the possibility to study with the degree of Bachelor of Science safety engineering ( professional degree, 6 semesters) and continuing with the degree of Master (4 semesters) in the focal points Safety ( occupational safety, environmental security or public safety / fire protection) or the master quality engineering to complete.

By 2002 ( before conversion according to the Bologna process ) was an engineering graduate degree program with a focus on workplace safety, environmental protection, traffic safety and fire and explosion protection.

In addition, the possibility of a promotion is given. Thus, the degrees Dr.- Ing depending on the focus of the dissertation. ( Doctor of Engineering ) or Dr. rer. sec ( doctor rerum securitatis ) can be obtained.

Faculty " health, safety, company " (GSG ) offered - Since the winter semester 2007/2008, the course Security & Safety Engineering is ( backup and security) Bachelor of Science at the University of Furtwangen University. The course comprises seven semesters here, the fifth semester is intended as a practical semester.

It is also possible for several years to study safety engineering at the Fachhochschule Trier in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The course comprises six semesters here and ends in contrast to the University of Wuppertal with the academic degree "Bachelor of Engineering".
