Seeclub Küsnacht

The Seeclub Küsnacht ( SCK), a Swiss Rowing Club, was founded in 1934 by Max Wettstein and eight like-minded people. As the boat house the tithes Trotte from the 13th century serves. It was found Wettstein of the psychiatrist Theodor Brunner available. The seaward side of the boat house is adorned by late Gothic frescoes, representing, among others, the baptism of Jesus, the Holy Martin and St. Jacob. The building is a heritage of national importance.

2012 includes the Club 264 members, including 114 men, 110 women and 50 juniors. The club takes part in national championships such as the Swiss Rowing Indoors, the Swiss Rowing Championships, or Lauerzer Regatta. Successful athlete of the association is the two-time world champion in the lightweight single sculls Pamela Weiss main. The race team is led by the German world champion Joachim Drews since 2009.
