Sefidrud Dam

The Sefid -Rud dam also known as Schahbanu - Farah Dam (Persian سد شهبانو فرح ) or Mandschil Dam (Persian سد منجیل; سد سفیدرود ) is a large dam at the confluence of the rivers Shahrud and Qezel Uzan.

The 1956 and 1962 started by a French consortium completed dam is located at the entrance of the gorge of the Sefid Rud by the Alborz Mountains. It is 105 meters high and 425 meters long and accumulates a maximum of 1.67 billion cubic meters of water.

With the dam the water supply was regulated in the plain of Gilan, which (now 188,000 ) hectares led to an expansion of agricultural acreage to first 60,000. In winter, the Sefi Rud imports large quantities of water while there is low water in the summer. Until the construction of the dam the water in the winter flowed from idle while in summer lacked the water to irrigate the fields in Gilan. By the flow control, the rice area could be increased by half.

At the foot of the dam is a hydroelectric power plant. The initial capacity of 35 MW has been expanded to 87 MW.

The construction cost of the dam amounted including connecting channels 7700 Rls million (200 million euros ).
