Sempre Vivas National Park

The Parque Nacional das Sempre Vivas is a company founded on 13 December 2002 reserve in the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil. It covers 1245.55 km ² in the field of municipalities Diamantina, Buenópolis, Bocaiúva Olhos D'Água and at the headwaters of Jequitinhonha river. The higher parts rich in the water-rich Serra do Espinhaço with waterfalls and gallery forest. In the deeper layers of Mata Atlântica growing.

The name of the park refers to the " semper vivas - " ( Paepalanthus ), endemic flower of Minas Gerais. Many families live by collecting the plants they sell for a ridiculous price to dealers in Diamantina. From there they are exported to Japan with high gain. These activities are now illegal, but not (yet ) be tolerated.
