
Sennefer, sometimes Senneferi was a treasurer ( IMJ - r3 - ḫtm.t ) under the ancient Egyptian ruler Thutmose III. ( around 1483 BC to 1425 BC).

Sennefer mainly from its strong devastated grave system in Western Thebes ( TT99 ) is known. He was the son of the head of the office of Wade -Hor Haydjehuty and Zatdjehuty. It is known only to a daughter named Renena. Sennefer also appears on a papyrus. It is an administrative document that Sennefer in the year 32 of Thutmose III. dated. This is the only firmly dated document of the Treasurer. In addition, he is behind Tuthmosis III. shown on a relief in the Sinai.

Other monuments of Sennefer are various statues and a chapel at Jabal al-Silsilah, which has probably been usurped by a reigning under Hatshepsut officials.
