Sergio Grieco

Sergio Grieco ( born January 13, 1917 in Vigo code, Padova, † March 30, 1982 in Rome ) was an Italian film director and screenwriter.


Grieco was a student in Paris, where he had gone with his family. There he was at a young age Wizard of Germaine Dulac, later, now living in Russia, Nikolai Ekk. In 1939 he returned to his native country back to us worked as cutting and assistant director on many films. In 1943 he was involved in the screenplay for Luchino Visconti's obsession.

After a few short films, he made ​​his debut in 1951 as a feature film director with Il sentiero dell'odio. It was followed by many films of many genres, from comedy films on the history up to Pepla who always testified of craftsmanship and well-received by the audience, but were never able to meet the artistic expectations that had been expectable after its inception. From 1965 onwards, some agents films were made, among others, the title character Jack Clifton, for which he used the pseudonym Terence Hathaway.


As assistant director

As a director

As Writer
