Serra da Malcata Natural Reserve

The Reserva Natural da Serra Malcata is existing since 1981, 16 348 ha comprehensive nature reserve in the Portuguese region of Beira Interior. It is part of Concelhos of Penamacor and Sabugal, near the border with Spain.

In the Serra da Malcata the Rio Bazágueda springs, which belongs to the catchment area of ​​the Tagus. Here exists a forested habitat for the extremely rare Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus ) and his favorite prey, the two epidemics decimated since the 1950s rabbits. Since the Iberian lynx is almost extinct, is discussed about its reintroduction in the reserve; a breeding center was created in 1999.

Among the most important protected species are found, the European wildcat ( Felis silvestris silvestris ), as well as the small genet ( Genetta genetta ), but also wild boar, red fox (Vulpes vulpes), deer, squirrels and other mammals. In addition, bird species such as the black stork (Ciconia nigra), which is very rare in Portugal. The protected area also almost all Portuguese amphibians are represented.
