
Sertão ( Portuguese sertɐw ) denotes the semi -desert landscapes in the interior of Brazil.

In the center and south of the country is covered with tree savannah, the North East is interspersed with deciduous trees shrub savannah. The region is characterized by very low rainfall and often affected by drought, the drying time is ten to eleven months. The annual rainfall is usually less than 300 mm, reaching a minimum in Petrolina on the Rio São Francisco with 213 mm. Only a few animals like the anteater or armadillo satisfy the conditions of this region to life. The Atlantic Ocean is between the Sertão and the forest zone ( Mata Atlântica ) as the transition region of agreste, in the west, the transition region between dryland and the rainforests of the Amazon basin is called meio norte.

Extensive cattle industry and landlordism prevail, with only one cow per 10 ha can be kept on the dry soils. From March / April to November / December stove hikes are common in the humid hill and mountain areas. Agriculture is only occasionally possible. Some source areas and valley areas feuchtigkeitssammelnde form relatively fertile islands, called Brejos, in which the peasant population is concentrated and the total account for about 18,000 km ² in the north- east. About 500,000 ha are irrigated, would be about 2.5 million ha

The land ownership and social structure, especially in the Northeast, characterized by extreme opposites. In some cases one can still speak of feudal structures or even of modern slavery.

Especially the northeast of Brazil is connected to the Sertão. He has produced a variety of folklore that could long survive unmolested by modernization in the underdeveloped region. Among the most important Brazilian novels include Os Sertões (1902, German " war in the Sertão " ) by Euclides da Cunha, which tells the events surrounding the destruction of the settlement Canudos, the War of Canudos, and Grande Sertão: veredas by João Guimarães Rosa (1956). The Sertaneja Música (Brazilian Country ) is a cultural product of the Sertão in southern Brazil.

The cangaceiros

Cangaceiros were members of marauding bands in the Sertão. The most important and most famous leader was Virgulino Ferreira da Silva, called Lampião ( lamp, lantern ) during the 20/30er years of the 20th century his person and his gang were glorified over the decades and excessive. Comparisons have been drawn to Robin Hood that had to do with reality but to agree.

The history of Cangaceiros was worked on film ( " O Cangaceiro ").

Became known for the " anthem " of the Cangaceiros " Mulher Rendeira " which is sung today even in the Sertão.
