
Šeštokai (Polish Szostaków, also Szestoki, German outdated cal token) is a small town ( miestelis ) with 755 inhabitants in a municipality part of the Rajongemeinde Lazdijai in the district of Alytus in the landscape Dzukija in Lithuania.

Šeštokai located south of Calvary and Marijampolė and west of Alytus on the Polish border.



  • Museum " Prano Dzuko sodyba "
  • Museum of the middle school in Rudamina

Transport and Infrastructure

The city has a great importance as a border crossing to Poland because the only rail link between the two countries (Vilnius -Kaunas -Warsaw - Šeštokai ) runs over them. Due to the different gauge (Poland: 1435, Lithuania: 1520 mm ) must be umgespurt the rail cars here or the travelers change. Since the setting of the overnight train Warsaw - Vilnius ( 2005) buses. There is only a low railway passenger traffic, the timetable 2012/13 with a train every day. 54.35972222222223.439722222222Koordinaten: 54 ° 22 ' N, 23 ° 26' O
