Shah Diamond


The diamond was found in 1450 in Golconda (India ) and is located in the Kremlin. After his discovery of the diamond came into the possession of the Sultan of Ahmadnagar. 1591 conquered the Mughal emperor Akbar the town Ahmednagar, which he plundered, he took the diamonds to Delhi. In 1738 Nadir Shah attacked India and in the looting of Delhi got the diamond to Persia. As in 1829, the Russian Ambassador Alexander Sergeyevich Griboyedov in Tehran, Persia, was murdered, to the Persian Shah Fath Ali Shah gave the diamond as a gift for the Tsar in Russia. He can also have been a welcome gift of the Persian prince Coshrevs, who visited the Czar in St. Peretsburg.


The Shah (historical engravings ) provide information about three owners of this jewel.

  • » Bourham - Nizam Shah II in the year 1000 " (equivalent to 1591 )
  • "Son of Jehangir Shah - Shah Jehan in 1051 " ( 1641)
  • » Fath Ali Shah possession of Kadjar in 1242 " ( 1826)

The very pure and clear light yellow precious stone has been left almost in its natural form, which has the slightly asymmetric shape of an octahedron. The engravings are located on three polished surfaces. The diamond is provided with an approximately 0.5 mm deep furrow, as it was attached to the court of Aurangzeb with a cord at the canopy of the throne. Which technology the inscriptions have been inserted is not known.
