Shery (Egypt)

Scheri was an ancient Egyptian high officials and priests at the beginning of the 4th dynasty. He was known primarily for his relief- decorated false doors and lintels, appear with the names of kings and Sened Peribsen (both regent of the 2nd dynasty ). Because of these inscriptions is Scheri and whose grave of great interest to Egyptology.

Office and titles were

Scheri held high office. He was:

  • Rights nesu: " acquaintance of the King"
  • Who - Medjugorje - schemau: " Great of the Ten of Upper Egypt "
  • Imi -ra- wabu - Peribsen - in - cheret - Sened - in - hat - in - isut - tefneb: " head of the wab - priest of Peribsen in the necropolis of Sened, at the mortuary temple and all other seats "
  • Imi -ra- hemu -ka- Sened: " head of the Ka - servant of Sened "
  • Imi -ra- hemu -ka- nesu: " head of the Ka - servant of the King"
  • Hem - netjer - Sened - imi - rut -is: " Prophet of Sened and Head of the door to the magazine "
  • Tepi - SauI: "First on the threshold ( the grave ) "

More inscriptions in conjunction with Peribsens and Seneds name names of two relatives Scheri: the " Wab - priest of Peribsen " Inkef and the " overseers of the Ka - servant of Sened " Si.

Interpretation of Attribution of Sened and Peribsen

For the Egyptology especially the third title is important because Scheri be referred to as " head of the wab - priest of Peribsen in the necropolis of Sened ". This statement offers different possibilities of interpretation. So she likes to point out that the kings Peribsen and Sened were one and the same person. It can, in contrast, but also mean that Sened and Peribsen were two different rulers and peaceful at the same time co - ruled. The latter hypothesis stems from the assumption that Egypt had been divided at the time of Sened and Peribsen. In the latter case Sened has its predecessor or co- regent donated a shrine or statue.

Wolfgang Helck and Dietrich Wildungsmauer point to the fact that Seneds and Peribsens both names are written in royal cartouches. Strictly speaking, this is an anachronism, since cartridges only came as a name chop with King Huni, the last ruler of the 3rd Dynasty perhaps in use. Wildungsmauer has additionally pointed out that " Peribsen " and therefore probably also the name " Sened " - were originally used as Nebtinamen, thus they stood Scheri, Inkef and Sij as a neutral ring names. You could mention them in their time safely in their inscriptions Despite a preference for the Horus cult.


According to the grave inscriptions Scheri had a relationship with a lady named " Chentitek ". This was the title of a " friend of the King" ( Rechet - nesu ). A door jamb relief shows another lady named " Inet " whose family position is unclear. A certain Inkef and a certain Si are called in the grave without a family relationship is specified, but they were certainly also to the family of Scheri.


Scheri was buried at Saqqara. The location of his mastaba suggests many Egyptologists that King Sened could also have been buried at Saqqara, since most of the dead priest to rest near their place of work. Scheris grave is decorated in its interior richly decorated with reliefs and false doors. The inscriptions mention his official title and show Scheri together with his wife sitting on sacrificial altars or receiving various offerings from different districts and domains.
