
Shiatsu (Japanese指 圧, dt "finger pressure " ) is a technology developed in Japan form of body therapy that has emerged from traditional Chinese massage Tuina. At the beginning of the 20th century, various forms of energetic bodywork and manual treatment methods were combined in Japan and united under the name of Shiatsu, to distinguish themselves from the pure relaxation massage. Shiatsu literally means "finger pressure ", the treatment includes but much more: to touch the entire body is inserted. Here, the therapist works with less muscle strength than with his body weight and attempts during treatment produce a "energetic " relationship to the patient (energy here in the sense of Qi ). By the attending mindfulness, sensitivity and openness is required.


Shiatsu originated from developed in the Chinese Middle Ages, treatment methods and is based on the scientifically blank performances of traditional East Asian medicine, in particular from the Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM) derived meridian system and the system of " five phases " ( five- element theory ). In contrast to acupuncture and acupressure not only individual points are stimulated on the body in Shiatsu. It is treated, however, along the connecting meridians. However, there is also the possibility of Shiatsu " meridian free" exercise, which does not mean that Masunaga meridian system it would be meaningless, but that the therapist is guided less by the energetic lines of the meridians and their own awareness and perception, the current condition of the patients and their physical expression in his treatment involves. In addition, Shiatsu also includes a variety of mobilization exercises for the body.

Significant representatives

The two most important representatives in the History of Shiatsu are Tokujiro Namikoshi and Shizuto Masunaga. Namikoshi was the founder of the first Shiatsu School in Japan. His legacy was, among other things, the state recognition of Shiatsu as an independent method of treatment in Japan. Masunaga was one of the most gifted of Namikoshis students. He founded his own style (Zen Shiatsu ) and through him found Shiatsu recognition in the West.

Masunaga advanced, under his own style, the classical meridian system and developed his own theories for the energetic structure of the human body. In contrast to acupuncture play in Zen Shiatsu, the individual points not a very big role, it is the entire Meridian treated. Masunaga studied at the University of Kyoto psychology, which eventually applied to his work, and learned or taught Shiatsu at the Nippon Shiatsu Institute. He also developed a complex diagnostic system on the abdomen and back as well as specific meridian stretching exercises ( Makko Ho). His book Zen Shiatsu was published in 1977, carried on his teaching of many students in the West. Shizuto Masunaga died 1981.

Akinobu Kishi was the first student of Masunaga. Kishi developed Zen Shiatsu more about Shinto Shiatsu to his own treatment method Seiki.

Another student Masunaga, Wataru Ohashi has become known with the translation of the Book Zen Shiatsu and by some of his own books. Ohashi has built Ohashiatsu on his Ohashi institutes are many Shiatsu schools ( also in Europe) back.

Shiatsu in the West compared to Japan

Today in Asia almost exclusively oriented to the body Shiatsu is practiced and taught, whereas in the West the more energetic Masunaga style is preferred by Namikoshi.

The most important representatives of Shiatsu live today for the most part outside of Japan. This is one of the reasons why the development of Shiatsu currently takes place mainly in the West and not in its home country Japan or China.

Typical sequence of a Shiatsu session

Shiatsu is mostly practiced on a mat or a special futon on the floor. There are also forms of treatment to special massage chairs or loungers. Is treated with the hands ( fingers and palms ), but also with the elbows and knees.

In addition to gentle rhythmic, even more in-depth techniques and strains and rotations are used. The practitioner makes use of his own body weight and works out especially from the middle of the body (in Japanese, hara ).

In the original, founded by Namikoshi Shiatsu, the client is treated without clothing, Masunaga, however, preferred the treatment with light clothing. As in the West largely of Masunaga style is represented, is also mostly worked here with clothing.

At Shiatsu ajar methods
