Shipping route

Term deferred

As waters are ( according to German law ) in accordance with the Maritime Traffic Regulations and the Inland Waterways - order refers to the parts of the water surfaces,

  • The limited or marked by Lateralzeichen are ( SeeSchStrO § 2 No. 1) or, if this is not the case,
  • The (mainly on inland waterways ) to local circumstances are determined by the continuous navigation ( SeeSchStrO § 2 No. 1) and are used by a scheduled boat traffic ( BinnenSchStrO § 1:01 No 32).

In addition to the above regulations SeeSchStrO and BinnenSchStrO it can (eg harbor regulations ) give local regulations where certain water areas are declared to be navigable waters. Characteristics of waterways are thus the purpose and appropriate labeling by navaids. The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions ( KVR) contain provisions for narrow fairway, but without determining exactly what "narrow fairway " are.

Under fairway is understood in contrast, the area of ​​a fairway, to be kept for certain, if possible water depths and widths. No running water in the sense of SeeSchStrO are traffic separation schemes.

Classification of the fairway

Crucial to the questions like a fairway is indicated by navigational aids, and apply that (driving) rules on the allocation of traffic rights waterway to which the fairway "heard":

  • Maritime Street: it is the Maritime Traffic Regulations ( SeeSchStrO )
  • For mouth area of ​​the Ems, on the Leda and the safety and protection port Borkum shipping order Ems estuary, which is virtually identical in content to the SeeSchStrO applies.
  • Inland road: it is the Inland Waterways Regulations ( BinnenSchStrO )
  • On the Rhine, Moselle, Danube and Lake Constance and in some ports (eg Port of Hamburg ) shall own shipping orders or port regulations.

In contrast, questions about entertainment, and new construction are governed by the legal routes assignment of the waterway to which the fairway "heard". The owned by the federal federal waterways are divided into

  • Seaways and
  • Inland waterways.

Name of the fairway

According to the above-mentioned legal definitions waters are generally characterized by navaids after Lateralsystem (unlike the cardinal system at danger points). Such navaids can be performed, for example as buoys, beacons, rod or lamprey. Features of Lateralsystems (Latin " latus " = " Site") is that a distinction is made between the starboard side ( StB, right) and the port side ( Bb, left) of the fairway. More details emerge from the traffic law:

For tidal waters ( ie in the range of SeeSchStrO ) the Lateralsystem the International Association of Lighthouse Authorities ( IALA ), Region A. applies According to this system, there is a direction of buoyage ( Direction of Bouyage ); Here the rule is that of See Coming ( incoming ) the starboard side of the fairway on the right applies, the port side of the fairway is on the left. Connects a fairway two marine parts (instead of sea and inland area ), then the side as starboard side of the fairway, the abeam located starboard of the ships that drive from the west ( from the north (west ) to south-southwest ) in this fairway. Is the fairway but strongly curved, so that the driveway can be done in each case from the west, so one of the entrance to the north lies the most authoritative ( § 2 paragraph 1. 2 SeeSchStrO ). In the IALA System (Region A) the port side is red, called the starboard side green. For more details see Lateralsystem.

On inland waterways ( ie in the range of BinnenSchStrO ), however, as the reference direction (direction of buoyage ) applies mostly the flow direction of the internal waters, ie from the source ( from the mountain ) to the mouth ( to the valley ), where the color assignment is exactly the reverse; the right fairway side (red ) is therefore on the starboard side of a moving vessel to the mouth.

Through this reversal of direction and color, there are at the interface between BinSchStrO and SeeSchStrO not " paging " of colors. By contrast, may at points where the fairway each other branching or open out into one another, the starboard side of a fairway at the same time the port side of the other fairway (and vice versa); So here is a new page the colors take place. For such points, there are special Lateraltonnen (green / red / green or red / green / red).

Distinction of Lateralbezeichnung of other names

The illustrated above ( "fixed " ) Lateralbezeichnung the fairway ( StB-Fahrwasserseite/BB-Fahrwasserseite ) must be conceptually separated clearly from the relative page name on vessels: the right-hand side in driving direction of the vehicle is called the starboard (green position lights), the left as a port (red position lights).


  • A vehicle in the area of ​​SeeSchStrO, traveling outbound ( towards the lake ), has the port side (red waters marking) of the fairway on its starboard side (green position lights)
  • A vehicle in the area of ​​BinnenSchStrO that goes against the flow direction ( ascent ), has the left side of the fairway (green fairway marking ) on its starboard side (green position lights).

Also to be separated conceptually is the direction of buoyage of waterways ( Direction of buoyage ) of the related to the flow direction designation of the right / left side of the river (see orographic ). While in the area of ​​the orographic BinnenSchStrO with the buoyage direction is usually the same direction (see above), this is in the area of ​​SeeSchStrO often the other way around!

Driving rules in navigable waters ( SeeSchStrO )

Here are some specific " driving water-related " rules should be called. Basically the Collision Regulations ( KVR) and primarily the Maritime Traffic Regulations ( SeeSchStrO ) apply; For details see respective text:

  • KVR Rule 9 Narrow fairway, here, among other things right driving, Contemplation of non- obstruction of continuous navigation, overtaking
  • SeeSchStrO § 22 Exceptions to the right driving
  • SeeSchStrO § 23 overtaking, § 24 Meet
  • SeeSchStrO § 25 right of way of shipping in the waters (de facto the most important "curb water-related " § the SeeSchStrO )
  • SeeSchStrO § 32 anchors ( prohibition of anchoring in the fairway )

Driving rules in navigable waters ( BinnenSchStrO )

Entertainment, expansion and construction of navigable waters ( Germany )

Basically, the owner of the waterway or - if different - the one whose administration is subject to the waterway, in charge of the entertainment. These tasks include, for example,

  • The ongoing monitoring of the condition of the waterway ( fairway, fairway, shipping facilities, banks and possibly shore land),
  • The information of the boat trip on the condition and warn of hazards (Notices to Mariners BfS )
  • The maintenance of the waterway in a required for navigation state ( current police) including
  • Getting the fairway depth and width by dredging and
  • Setting and operation of navaids.

The majority of navigable waterways in Germany is one of the federal waterways owned by the federal government and managed by its own authorities. For their entertainment (as well as expansion and new construction ) are the responsible Waterways and Shipping Offices. In addition, there are a handful of federal waterways, has been delegated the administration (eg, the area of ​​the Port of Hamburg ), as well as state waters that are maintained by the respective owners or management support under state law.
