Short sea shipping

Under short sea shipping ( SSS; formerly referred as coastal trade ), refers to the carriage of goods by sea, which still takes place in the region of the same continent. Mention an example cargo from Calais ( FR) to Dover (GB ), while Deep sea shipping ( maritime shipping ) deals with the transport of goods across oceans, about from Rotterdam to New York.


Short sea shipping is done with an average speed of 25 kilometers per hour, will be two days calculated for the loading and unloading. Short sea shipping may be superior to the rail and truck due to the low energy consumption from economic and ecological points of view. The EU is promoting short sea shipping and the use of telematics since 1995 with a year around one million euros.


Coastal trade or cabotage described earlier also internal trade of a State from port to port or along its coasts. In times of peace he was often banned foreigners, but was allowed in times of war by governments under restrictions. It was controversial in the 19th century, if and when such a permit meant a violation of neutrality.
