Short-tailed bandicoot rat

Pestratte ( Nesokia indica)

The Pestratte ( Nesokia indica) is a rodent species from the group of Altweltmäuse ( Murinae ).


These rodents reach a body length 14-22 cm, a tail length of 9-13 cm and a weight of 110-175 grams. Their fur color varies at the top of yellow-brown to gray-brown, the belly is white to light gray. The physique of Pestratten is stocky, the head is short and rounded, the muzzle is broad, the ears are roundish. The relatively short tail is nearly hairless, the toes bear strong claws.

Dissemination and lifestyle

The distribution of Pestratte extends from Egypt and the Middle East through Iran to northern India and western China. They inhabit mainly humid habitats and are often found along rivers or other bodies of water.

You create complex burrows consist of many tunnels, a padded chamber with grass and several non-upholstered chambers. In the padded chamber they sleep, in the other they sometimes store food supplies. Their diet consists of grasses, seeds, roots and sometimes crops. As a rule, they live solitary, a building is inhabited only by an animal. After 17 days of gestation, the female gives birth to up to ten pups.

Pestratten and people

Frequently Pestratten apply as a plague, as they devastate fields and with their grave activity also cause damage. In some places they are hunted, and ( together with their grains stock ) eaten. According to the IUCN Pestratte is common and not one of the endangered species.
