Show mine

A Mine is a for inspection has been converted, usually former mine. Mining museums are trailing mines or mines affiliated museums.

A mine, so an underground extraction of mineral raw materials, may have three operating phases in operation, shut down and museum operations. Most are mines after they are no longer productive, simply closed. Due to security measures, they are also partly destroyed ( filled ). Many mining operations are at least partially accessible to visitors today.


Most mines are set up in abandoned mines. In recent decades, however, they were often set up as a re-use directly after decommissioning. So could some of the jobs will be preserved, where the funding is based on cultural subsidies and tourism, no longer on the natural resources.

Some mines show parts of active mines or are set up in disused parts of active mines.

Mines are small parts of the often very large mountain plant that get developed, secured and provided with didactic installations and exhibits.

In particular, the mines are usually equipped with fixed electrical lighting, which was rarely present in the mining operation earlier. A few mines offer something more authentic guided tours, by avoiding stationary light and instead equip visitors with mining lamps.

In Germany and Austria the competent mining authorities are entrusted with the supervision of the past in their area Schauberkwerke. This concerns in particular the compliance with the safety regulations. Mines for example, require a second escape route and the responsible fire department must explain to practice at certain intervals rescuing accident victims from the mine ready.

Very popular are preserved pit lanes that are necessary to reach the far mountain located mining sites. In addition, the train ride for young and old is an experience, and thus provides an additional highlight of the tour dar. few visits to the mines have even operated hoisting plant, with the drive visitors into the depths. They are also an important element of the mining industry, without which the technology can be represented only incomplete.

There are in most nations of the world mines, where they are of course particularly common in industrialized nations. The longer the mining history lasts, the more interesting abandoned mines there. In Germany there are well over 100 such mines. In Austria there are about 30 mines. Some of these mines were shut down in recent years, because they no longer met the after mining disaster Lassing significantly increased safety. Examples include the Arthurstollen and the rock oil mine in Pertisau.
