Siegfried Lipiner

Siegfried Lipiner ( born October 24, 1856 in Jarosław, Galicia, † December 30, 1911 in Vienna, with complete name Siegfried Solomon Lipiner ), was a storyteller, playwright, librettist, translator and journalist. He was in the late 19th century, almost as the legitimate successor of Goethe.


From 1881 he was a librarian at the Library of the Austrian Imperial Council, and later its director. In 1891 he converted from the Jewish to the Protestant faith. He belonged to the circle of friends of the composer and conductor Gustav Mahler, the so-called Lipiner - circle that an ascetic religion of pity (including a strict vegetarianism ) is chosen for the program. Create a rift between the two, it came when Lipiner dissuaded him from his marriage to Alma Mahler -Werfel.

1961 Lipinergasse in Vienna Liesing was named after him.


  • Prometheus, 1876
  • Renatus, 1878
  • Merlin. Opera in 3 acts. Music: Karl Goldmark. UA November 19, 1886 Vienna ( Court Opera )
  • As a translator, he translated among others the Polish national epic Pan Tadeusz by Adam Mickiewicz into German, under the title of Pan Tadeusz or The Last rode in Lithuania.