Sierra Cristal National Park

The Sierra Cristal is a mountainous region in the east of Cuba. According to the Sierra Maestra, it is the second highest in the country. It extends across the south of the province of Holguín and the north of the province of Santiago de Cuba and includes the municipios Mayari, Sagua de Tánamo, Frank País Segundo Frente and. The highest peak is the Pico Cristal 1214 meters.

The Sierra Cristal is characterized by pine-covered slopes and deep ravines created by rivers. Here opened Raúl Castro as Comandante from March 1958 during the Cuban Revolution after the Sierra Maestra, a second combat area, which as a Second Front (Spanish: Frente Segundo ) went down in history and from where the revolution quickly spread throughout the country.

In the area of ​​Sierra Cristal is the oldest national park of Cuba. Already in 1930, the area around the Pico Cristal was declared a National Park. Here you will find large populations of many endemic species of animals and plants.
