Silene dioica

Red Campion ( Silene dioica)

Red campion ( Silene dioica), also red campion, red campion, red campion, Taglichtnelke or Lord blood called, is a species of the genus Silene ( Silene ) within the carnation family ( Caryophyllaceae ). The species name dioica means " dioecious ".

  • 6.1 Notes and references
  • 6.2 External links


Appearance and foliage leaf

Red campion grows as a deciduous biennial or perennial herbaceous plant a few years and reaches heights of growth of 30 to 90 centimeters. It is densely hairy with glandular. The constantly against the stem arranged leaves have a simple, ovate to lanceolate leaf blade, which expires margin entire and pointed toward the upper end.

Inflorescence and flower

Red campion is a dioecious getrenntgeschlechtig ( dioecious ). The flowering season lasts from April to October. Striking is the dichasiale arrangement of flowers. The five-fold, scentless, red flowers have a diameter 18-25 mm and are only open during the day. The hairy calyx is 10 to 15 millimeters long, with male flowers 10 - and female flowers 20 - annoying. The five petals are deep columns with a length of 15 to 25 millimeters. At the mouth of the crown is a corona formed from five two-lobed ligules. The female flower has five pen.

Fruit and seeds

The up early in the winter formed in the fall, spherical capsule fruit has ten outwardly curved teeth along which it opens jagged. The poppy -like, dark-brown to black seeds are shaken out of it by moving back and Herwiegen in the wind from the capsule.

Ingredient and chromosome number

Contains Red campion, like many other species of the Caryophyllaceae family Triterpensaponine. The chromosome number is n = 12


In most cases, each plant has only one gender. Is rare to find as well as plants with hermaphrodite flowers; therefore the species is actually dreihäusig and the species name dioica ( dioecious ) is incorrect.

Pollination of Red campion is exclusively on insects, mainly of butterflies. Also, some hoverflies get to the nectar. Bumble bees bite a hole in the outside of the cup wall. In contrast to the butterflies bumblebees have a short trunk and went otherwise empty-handed. The spread is caused by self - propagation and wind, but in addition also takes place floating spread, which is why a species occurs as Bach and Stromtalpflanze.


Red campion is Eurasian distributed, with a focus on the central and northern areas. In most European areas it is found in South-East Europe ( southern Balkans ) but missing them altogether. Outside Eurasia finds in Algeria and Morocco are documented. Red campion is a neophyte in some areas of the moderates zones.

Preferred locations of the Red campion are calcareous wet meadows, moist woods beats, forest edges, Hochstaudenfluren, bushes and broken and flooded forests. In the Alps, Red Campion rises to altitudes of 2400 meters.

According to the ecological indicator values ​​according to Ellenberg the Red campion is specified as a semi shade plant for moderately warm maritime climate. Red campion preferably evenly moist to wet, never strong acid and nitrogen-rich soils. It grows in groups, but rarely forming stands.


The first publication of this kind took place in 1753 under the name of Lychnis dioica by Carl Linnaeus in Species Plantarum, p 437 The type material has been deposited as: Herb. Linn. No. 602.6, " 6 dioica / Cucubalus dioicus " ( lecto - Talavera & Muñoz Garmendia 1989). Joseph Philippe de Clairville put 1811 in Manuel d' Herborisation en Suisse et en Valais, p 146 this type in the genus Silene. A homonym is Silene dioica A.DC. nom. illeg. hom. Silene dioica Other synonyms for (L.) Clairv. (each with the first releases ): Lychnis dioica var rubra Weigel: Fl. Pom. Rug. , 1769, pp. 85, Lychnis rubra Patze, E.Mey. & Elkan, Lychnis sylvestris Schkuhr 1791, Lychnis diurna Sibth. Fl. . Oxon, 1794, pp. 145, Melandrium sylvestre ( Schkuhr ) Röhl. Deutschl.. Fl, ed 2, 2, 1812, pp. 274, Melandrium diurnum ( Sibth. ) Fr: Not bot, 1842, pp. 170, Melandrium Dioicum (L.) Coss. . & Germ. Syn. Anal. Fl. Paris, 1845, pp. 28, Melandrium rubrum Garcke nom. illeg. Fl. N. msg Germany, 1858, ed 4, pp. 55, Melandrium Dioicum subsp. rubrum D.Löve.


Red campion is used as an ornamental plant in parks and gardens in the moderate areas of the world. For this, several varieties are available, such as also pink blooming and those with double flowers.

In folk medicine, the seeds were crushed to a pulp used for the treatment of snake bites.

The roots of the Red campion were formerly used as soap.

In the households Northeast of Italy in the local cuisine with the herb, along with ricotta cheese, also stuffed ravioli.

Sources and further information

The article is mainly based on the following documents:

  • Kremer: wildflowers, Munich 2001, ISBN 3-576-11456-4
  • Dankwart Seidel: Flowers, Munich 2001, ISBN 3-405-15766-8
  • Red campion. In:
  • R. Duell / H. Kutzelnigg: Pocket Dictionary of Plants in Germany and neighboring countries, 7th Edition, Quelle & Meyer Verlag, 2011, ISBN 978-3-494-01424-1
  • Margot Spohn / Marianne Golte - Bechtle: What flowers there? Encyclopedia, Kosmos Verlag, 2005