Silesian Library

The Silesian Library ( Biblioteka Polish Śląska ) is an institution in Katowice in Silesia in Poland. She is considered one of the most modern libraries in the country. It was founded in the years 1922/23, in the former Autonomous Silesian Voivodeship in Katowice as the Library of the Silesian Parliament and has among other things, the task of passing on the Silesian and Polish culture in the region. It is the largest library in Upper Silesia.


The Silesian Library is a regional public library with a scientific status and takes into account:

  • Needs of academic communities from all Silesian universities,
  • Travel and areas for research in Silesia and scientific institutions,
  • Teaching and counseling help for self-government public libraries.

The Silesian Library is traditional trends in the specialization of the collection proceeds according to the running of the predecessors of the library acquisition policy.

The precursors were:

  • The Library of the Silesian Parliament (1922-1936) and
  • The Silesian Public Library ( 1936-1945 ).

1934 the library moved into a building in the Francuska street, where they also remained for a long time. 1952 the library received the name Silesian Library / Biblioteka Śląska and was proclaimed as an academic library. 1991 organized a newly created public committee financial aid for a new building in the form of donations. On 24 October 1998, the inauguration of the new building took place. Since 1 July 2000, when it was merged with the Public Regional Library, she has retained as a regional library the same scientific status.


The collection includes documents from different areas of society. It has a circumference of more than 1.8 million publications:

  • Audiovisual materials (films, analog video and audio recordings, digital cassette tapes ),
  • Electronic media ( magnetic tapes, floppy disks, CDs, DVDs )
  • Ephemeral
  • Printed materials ( monographs, brochures, magazines)
  • Iconographic materials (graphic materials, drawings, engravings, photographs, postcards, bookplate )
  • Cartographic materials (maps, atlases )
  • Manuscripts and manuscripts machines

The main functions of the Silesian Library

  • Collecting, cataloging, deploy, and preservation of Polish and foreign literature and other documents that support the development of scientific research or serves the needs of education
  • Archiving the statutory prescribed specimens,
  • Bibliographic information and assistance to organizations and individuals,
  • Proliferation of books, through exhibitions, meetings of writers and other cultural events,
  • Initiating, guiding, and the publication of research that the field of library and information science or related sciences, with special consideration for silesiaca
  • Coordination of self-government Public Library activities are to provide a uniform regional information system.

Member of the National Library

According to the Ministry of Culture regulation of 24 November 1998, the Silesian Library is a member of a group of libraries that and the collection of the National Library, that is the essential collection of published and manuscript materials reproduced, realized by the Silesian and Polish people, with respect to Silesia Poland, which forms in Polish libraries and documentation of Polonicas in foreign libraries. Therefore, all materials that are part of this collection, subject to special protection and call for optimal conditions of storage and treatment. The Silesian Library offers limited access to many valuable titles that are available in the reading rooms or in the form of microfilm (magazines, certain old prints). Optimal storage conditions are ensured by the most advanced storage system in the Silesian Library. The library catalog is available through the computer terminals in the library and on the Internet currently only available in English and Polish.
