Silla, Lääne County

58.86055624.072778Koordinaten: 58 ° 52 'N, 24 ° 4' O

Silla ( Silla Möldri German ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Kullamaa ( Kullamaa vald ) in Lääne in Estonia.

Population and location

The village has 26 inhabitants ( 31 December 2011). It is situated 32 kilometers south-east of the district capital of Haapsalu on the overland route between Tallinn and Ferry Virtsu.


In the village immediately south of the county capital Kullamaa the road crosses the river Liivi ( Liivi Jõgi ). On maps of the Baltic German cartographer Ludwig August 1798 Mellin are a bridge (Estonian sild, genitive silla ) and a mill (Müller Estonian Mölder, genitive Möldri ) located.


Get the old village inn of the place.

Under the Sign of Russification of Estonia originated in the 1880s in Silla Orthodox church of Kullamaa. The Nikolai Church of Kullamaa 1953 closed under the Soviet occupation of Estonia. Today some ruins are still preserved.
