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Silvabestius is a marsupial genus of late Oligocene.


Silvabestius reached the size of a sheep. It had upper canines, in contrast to other Zygomaturinen. Other differences must be attached mainly to the molars. There are the skull of an adult specimen as well as the skull and lower jaw of a young animal. Silvabestius lived in a rainforest habitat, what his name means " forest beast" indicates.


There are known two types. Silvabestius johnnilandi Black, Archer, 1997b lived in the Late Oligocene and part of the local fauna VIP Riversleigh on. Silvabstius michaelbirti Black, Archer, 1997b lived in the Late Oligocene and is one of the hiatus local fauna and the Riversleigh Local Fauna of Riversleigh on.
