Siphlonurus lacustris

Imago of Siphlonurus lacustris

Siphlonurus lacustris is an insect species from the order of the mayflies ( Ephemeroptera).

Features of the larva

The body is brownish yellow with dark colored drawings, not flattened, slender and up to 13 millimeters long. The head is perpendicular relative to the body axis. The eyes are the side of the head. The antennas are only slightly longer than the head width. The short mandibles are not above the front edge of the head also. Are located on the last segments of the abdomen laterally spines. The terminal filament is hairy on both sides, the Cerci, however, only on the inside. In its second third of all tail filaments are dark colored. The tracheal gills are leaf-shaped. The first two pairs are double, the other five, however, only just.

Occurrence and life

The larvae live in the whole of Europe in the plane and in the mountains in larger rivers with rich vegetation. They move away almost just floating. Their food is vegetable, possibly partly animal. The generation time is one year. Subimagines live 2 or 3 days, Imagines 4 or 5 flight time of Imagines ranges from May to August.


  • Herbert W. Ludwig: Animals and plants of our waters. BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, Munich 2003, ISBN 3-405-16487-7, p 166