Slavey people

The Slavey ( Slave outdated ) or Deh Gah Got'ine are a group of Canadian First Nations from the Dene group. They belong to the indigenous peoples ( called Sahtu ) in the region around the Great Slave Lake and Great Bear Lake and along the Mackenzie River ( Deh Cho - Big river called ) are located in Canada's Northwest Territories. Slavey but also live in northeastern British Columbia and northwestern Alberta. The Slavey lebtem from fishing and moose hunting.

Today the Slavey be divided into two territorial and linguistic large groups, the linguistic distinction mostly on the pronunciation of the Proto - Athapaskan text * dz * ts * ts' * s and * z is based:

  • North Slavey ( Dene Sahtu or Sahtúot'įnę Yati ) Sahtu Dene or Sahtúgot'ine ( also called, talked about the origin. North Slavey, Sahtu Dene, Sahtu ' T'ine or Bear Lake Bear Lake Dene )
  • Hare or K'áshogot'ine (also called Locheaux lived further downstream in the northern Mackenzie Mountains and in the watershed of the Arctic Red River ( abgel of Tsiigèhnjik - Iron River ) and travaillant River to the Mackenzie Delta, hence their name derives from that she wore clothing woven from mountain hare - skins)
  • Mountain Dene or Shihgot'ine (also Nahanni or Nahanni Dene, living in the Mackenzie Mountains )

Origin of the name

The name ' Slavey ' or 'Slave ' is a translation of the pejorative word awokanak or awonak from the Cree language for the gentle lifestyle of the Slavey. Although the Cree contempt thereby gave expression, and the peace-loving Slavey often plundered them and afflict more and more through raids, they feared (such neighboring tribes as well) the Slavey as skillful magician ( sorcerer and shaman ).

To avoid confusion with the English term to avoid slave for slave, the various groups are now usually referred to as Slavey - and not, as formerly common as a slave.
