SÅ‚awomir Cenckiewicz

Sławomir Cenckiewicz ( * 1971 in Gdynia ) is a Polish historian and publicist.

Life and work

Cenckiewicz studied history at the University of Gdansk and a doctorate ibid. He is a staff member of the IPN and the University of Gdansk. His work focuses on the Polish political emigration and the anti-communist opposition in the People's Republic of Poland.

In 2006, he advised Antoni Macierewicz in the dissolution of the Polish military intelligence WSI and was subsequently commissioned by Radosław Sikorski with the management of WSI liquidation commission.

He is the author of numerous publications, among others in the magazines " Wprost " (Warsaw), " Arcany " ( Cracow), " Niepodległość " (New York-London - Warsaw), " Biuletyn IPN " (Warsaw ) as well as four books. His last two books SB a Lech Wałęsa. Przyczynek do biografii (Communist secret police in the People's Republic of Poland ( SB) and Lech Walesa ) and Sprawa Lecha Wałęsy (Case / File Lech Wałęsa ) address the same subject, the first approaches more scientific and the second most popular of the matter.

  • Oczami bezpieki: Szkice i materiały z dziejów aparatu bezpieczeństwa PRL. Kraków: Wyd. Arcana, 2004, ISBN 83-89243-76-8.
  • Tadeusz Katelbach (1897-1977): biografia Polityczna. Wydawnictwo LTW, Warszawa 2005, ISBN 83-88736-59-0.
  • SB a Lech Wałęsa. Przyczynek do biografii. Warszawa 2008, ISBN 978-83-60464-74-8 ( with Piotr Gontarczyk )
  • Sprawa Lecha Wałęsy. Poznań: Zysk i S -ka, 2008, ISBN 978-83-7506-242-7.
  • Śladami bezpieki i partii. Rozprawy - Źródła - Publicystyka. Wydawnictwo LTW, Łomianki, 2009, ISBN 978-83-7565-060-0.
  • Gdański Grudzień '70. Wydawnictwo IPN, Gdańsk - Warszawa 2009, ISBN 978-83-7629-054-6.
  • Anna Solidarność. Życie i działalność Anny Walentynowicz na tle epoki ( 1929-2010 ). Zysk i S- ka, 2010, ISBN 978-83-7506-507-7.
  • Długie ramię Moskvy. Wywiad Wojskowy Polski Ludowej 1943-1991. Zysk i S- ka, 2011, ISBN 978-83-7506-875-7.
  • Lech Kaczyński. Biografia Polityczna 1949-2005. Zysk i S- ka, 2013, ISBN 978-83-7785-229-3 ( with Anna Piekarska, Adam Janusz Kowalski Chmielecki i )
  • Wałęsa. Człowiek z teczki. Zysk i S- ka, 2013, ISBN 978-83-7785-356-6.