Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

The Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales, abbreviated Sepi, on German government controlled entity, is a holding company founded in 1995 by the Spanish State to manage the state-owned enterprises and investments. It replaced in many parts of the Instituto Nacional de Industria ( INI) and dependent on the Spanish Ministry of Finance.

SEPI 2005 included the majority shareholder of the shipyards IZAR and Navantia, the Spanish news agency EFE, the radio and television RTVE, the mining company Hunosa ( coal mining in Asturias ), Presur ( copper and iron ore mining in Minas de Riotinto in the province of Huelva) and Mayasa (mercury mining in Almaden ) and the racecourse Hipódromo de la Zarzuela in Madrid. Also, development agencies for rural development, promotion of tourism and investment promotion include SEPI. The holding company also holds about 5 percent of the shares of Iberia, 5.46 percent of the air and Raumfahrtkozern Airbus Group and 2.95 percent stake in Endesa.
